Here is the first picture of our's still a Handy Man's van here. It will be transformed to be our home and our wheels around Europe.

One of the first purchases...a swivelly big comfy chair for the passenger.
So Mark will be starting work on the inside of the van this weekend (if it doesn't snow to much) thanks to Mom and Dad Milan for their drive space! I have been attempting to email Bulgaria this week, my emails are being translated by a lovely Bulgarian friend at Uni. I now have 8 weeks left at work after almost 9 years at Southwark I will genuinely feel weird about not stepping into one office or another to familiar faces each day. I am looking forward to having about 2 appointments in my diary over about 4 months.
Date 1 Cannes Film Festival: End of April off to France (obviously?), Spain, Portugal and back to France...That'll get us to the Cannes Film Festival at the end of May.
Date 2 Bulgaria: From the south of France to Italy, Greece, Turkey and heading for Sofia, Bulgaria in July.
After Bulgaria things get even less planned as we can decided where to wander to, although, I will probably read the Lonely Planet 5 times and write lists...loads of lists, I promise not to use post-it notes. All of this is of course subject to change and who knows when we find the right combination of favourite things we could stop for longer or the complete opposite and we'll be moving quick outta there!
During our French France time we'll be popping into my cousins' new B&B...I will be promoting them here as soon as their website is up and running. Its near Toulouse if you are ever in the area!
So post 1 is done...I think we will record the developments of the van here as well as telling you about what we'll be up to while away which includes my Masters dissertation research and once we're off we can keep you up to date on our adventures all of which we'd love to have your comments on too.