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Love to you!

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Bog (hello) Croatia

We have arrived in Croatia, on the outskirts of Zagreb. After a short drive from Ljubljana and a stop at lidl we are here; there was an actual border crossing too only the second time we have shown our passports to anyone except campsite staff!

The site is nice, green and lots of trees. The approach was not that reassuring...pull into motorway services, past the petrol station, round the back of the motel and past the car park. But this is it for Zagreb camping so it's shanksy's pony (or some such saying of my previous manager at work!). There is even loo roll in the toilets, this is impressive! It has 3 stars on the sign, whatever that means! There is certainly no cross-border meaning to those stars, 4 star in Portugal would be 2 stars in france. We have grass, trees, loos and electric so no complaints and although you can hear the A2, you can't see it. And the butterflies are amazing! There is a pink, orange, brown one by the van now, it's colours change as it moves about.

Mark has been 'servicing' my new (old) bike, so I will be zooming about now. Unfortunately the dynamo fitted with the lights doesn't work. Both bikes fitted in the back of the van and when the border policeman said "what is in the back" I said "errrr bikes, a bed, a kitchen...It's a campervan". He gave me a blank look and we drove on.

We have developed complete campsite life by playing badminton with no rules or scores by the van today!

Some of my favourite times have been these in-between days, not sight seeing or doing much in particular. Hoping to make some more quiet time in northern Croatia after seeing Zagreb, before we head to Hungary.

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